
第146章 卷8(1/2)


马龙探案卷五 之 盛怒的审判八


thE cRowd milled around excitedly, their din making it impossible to hear what was being said on the platform.


Arlene Goudge clutched desperately at tom burrows’ arm and began crying, “he didn’t do it, he didn’t do it,” over and over.


malone took one look at the girl and said, “Get her out of here. Jake, you edge up there and hear what the old guy has to say. e along, helene.”


they pushed through the crowd and half dragged the girl back to the office of the Enterprise. She was still repeating, “he didn’t do it,” when helene kicked the door shut behind them.

汤姆?伯罗斯把她推到一把椅子上,狠狠地扇了她一巴掌,说:“别这样!” 接着,看到她眼泪汪汪的,他赶紧掏出一块手帕,擦了擦她的眼睛,说:“你这个可怜的宝贝。”

tom burrows shoved her into a chair, slapped her roughly, and said, “Stop that!” then as a flood of tears threatened, he whipped out a handkerchief, wiped her eyes, and said, “You poor baby.”

她抬头看着他们,眼神狂野。“你们得做点什么!你们不能把杰瑞从监狱里弄出来吗?你们不能证明他没干这事,或者找出是谁干的,或者 —— 做点什么吗?”

She looked up at them, her eyes wild. “You’ve got to do something! can’t you get Jerry out of jail? can’t you prove he didn’t do it, or find out who did, or - something?”

“我亲爱的年轻女士。” 马龙开口道。

“my dear young lady,” malone began.


this time she really burst into tears, curled up in the chair, buried her face in her arms, and cried like a kitten. It was the last straw for malone.

“别哭了。” 他冲她吼道。“我会做点什么。我什么都愿意做。我会把他从监狱里弄出来。看在上帝的份上,别哭了!”

“don’t cry,” he roared at her. “I’ll do something. I’ll do anything. I’ll get him out of jail. For the love of mike, stop it!”


She paused long enough to blow her nose on helene’s handkerchief, push back her hair, and say, “oh, mr. malone!”

“现在听着。” 马龙说,试图让自己的语气听起来严厉一些,但却很含糊。

“Now look here,” malone said, with a vague attempt at sounding stern.


She blew her nose again and looked at him with wide, miserable eyes. “Jerry didn’t have anything to do with the murder.”

“女人的直觉是不够的。” 马龙说。“还是你确实知道?”

“womanly intuition isn’t enough,” malone said. “or do you know, for sure?”


She pinned back the last strand of damp hair. “he was trying to make friends with Senator peveley. because he was engaged to Florence. And Senator peveley didn’t like him. he told me so.”

“佩维利参议员?” 马龙问道,努力跟上她的话。

“Senator peveley?” malone asked, trying to keep up.


“No. Jerry. he was engaged to marry Florence, and the Senator didn't like him, and so he was trying to make friends with him, and so of course he wouldn't have murdered him.”

“完全正确。” 海伦同情地说。“我也不是那样和人交朋友的。”

“that's perfectly right,” helene said sympathetically. “that isn't the way I make friends with people, either.”


It seemed to malone that there was a grain of logic there somewhere, but he couldn't just put his finger on it. he started to ask another question, when Arlene Goudge rose, tucked her pact in her purse, and opened the door. She was beginning to cry again.

“我怀孕了。” 她几乎是愤慨地说,然后摔门而去。

“I'm going to have a baby,” she said almost indignantly, and slammed the door on her way out.

有足足三十秒没人说话。汤姆?伯罗斯的脸先是变白,然后变红,接着又变白。突然他冲出门去,门关上的时候他们能听到他在说:“等等,阿琳。可是,阿琳 ——”

For a good thirty seconds nobody said anything. tom burrows turned white, then red, then white again. Suddenly he dived out the door, as it slammed they could hear him saying, “wait, Arlene. but, Arlene -”

马龙站在那里,对着门眨着眼睛。“我不明白。” 他说。

malone stood blinking at the door. “I don't understand,” he said.

“你可以找些书来解释。” 海伦说。“这就像花和小鱼一样。”

“You can get books that explain it,” helene said. “It's just like the flowers and the little fish.”

“我的意思是,” 马龙耐心地说,“这和佩维利参议员的谋杀案有什么关系?” 他擦了擦额头。“我喜欢小镇的一点是,它们是那么安静祥和。什么事也不会发生。”

“I mean,” malone said patiently, “what does that have to do with the murder of Senator peveley?” he mopped his brow. “the thing I like about little towns,” he said, “is that they’re so quiet and peaceful. Nothing ever happens.”

“听着,马龙,” 海伦说。“我在试着弄清楚她是谁的女朋友。今天下午她给汤姆?伯罗斯打电话的时候,说了些关于答应过不再给他打电话之类的话。她还为此哭了。但他对整件事看起来完全震惊。而现在她为了把杰瑞?勒克斯通从监狱里弄出来心急如焚,可不管怎么说他已经和另一个女孩订婚了。” 她叹了口气。“在杰克逊县,他们做什么事都很艰难。”

“Listen, malone,” helene said. “I’m trying to figure out whose girl she is. this afternoon when she telephoned tom burrows she said something about having promised not to call him up again. And she cried about it. but he looks pletely flabbergasted about the whole thing. And here she is all of a flutter to get Jerry Luckstone out of jail, and he’s engaged to another girl anyway.” She sighed. “they certainly do everything the hard way in Jackson county.”

“别烦我。” 马龙冲她吼道。“我已经有够多的事要操心了,不要再去管谁爱上了谁,也不用管阿琳?高奇孩子的父亲是谁。我只想把你和杰克从这一团糟中解救出来,然后回芝加哥。”

“don’t bother me,” malone growled at her. “I’ve got enough on my mind without worrying over who’s in love with whom, and who is the father of Arlene Goudge’s child. All I want to do is get you and Jake out of this mess and get back to chicago.”

“你答应过 ——” 海伦开始说。

“You promised -” helene began.

“她当时歇斯底里。” 马龙咕哝道。“她不会让我遵守那个承诺的。再说,” 他停顿了一下又说,“我没答应把这个人从监狱里弄出来。我答应过做点什么,但没说具体是什么。”

“She was hysterical,” malone muttered. “She won’t hold me to it. besides,” he paused and added, “I didn’t promise to get this guy out of jail. I promised to do something, but I didn’t say what it was.”


before helene could make any ments, Jake arrived, hot and breathless.

埃德?斯金丁斯鲁德,他解释说,拒绝进一步解释他那令人吃惊的声明。“很可能,” 海伦说,“是他自己干的。”

Ed Skindingsrude, he explained, had refused to enlarge on his startled and startling statement. “probably,” helene said, “he did it himself.”

“我把赌注压在菲尔?史密斯身上。” 杰克说。“任何一个有全镇最温柔的人这样名声的人,内心深处肯定隐藏着谋杀的种子。再说,失去教授希腊语、拉丁语和古典历史的工作是个很好的杀人动机。”

“my money’s on phil Smith,” Jake said. “Anybody who has the reputation of being the gentlest soul in town must have the seeds of murder in him somewhere. besides, losing a job teaching Greek, Latin, and classical history is a swell motive.”

马龙皱起眉头。“随着我们开始挖掘这个小镇上人们的私人生活,动机肯定会越来越多,可能足以构成半打谋杀案。” 他开始说道。

malone frowned. “motives are bound to pile up, probably suitable for half a dozen murders, as we begin to dig into the private lives of this town,” he began.

“我们?” 杰克问道。

“we?” Jake demanded.

“口误。” 小律师红着脸说。“别再想了。现在这位可敬的治安官已经把某人关进了监狱,尤其是像地方检察官这样重要的人物,他不会再想和你们有任何瓜葛。明天早上我们就会离开杰克逊县,把这里的尘土从我们的脚后跟甩掉,然后继续我们的旅程。”

“A slip of the tongue,” the little lawyer said, blushing. “don’t give it another thought. Now that the worthy sheriff has clamped somebody in jail, especially somebody as important as the d. A. himself, he won’t want any further truck with you. tomorrow morning we’ll kiss the dust of Jackson county good-by off our heels, and be on our way.”

“你是说另一个人完蛋了。” 海伦说。

“You mean another heel bites the dust,” helene said.


Suddenly the door of the Enterprise office opened, and a red-haired girl strode in, followed by a short, plump little man with a rosy face and curly white hair.

“我就知道能在这儿找到你们。” 女孩说。

“I thought I’d find you here,” the girl said.


Jake stared at her. She wasn’t a pretty girl, in fact her dead-white face was definitely on the plain side, but she certainly was a striking one. She was tall, even taller than helene, and her hair was like a prairie fire. She was dressed in slightly soiled denim slacks.

“你们在找我们吗?” 马龙礼貌地问道。


