“the only way to stop an epidemic,” malone added very quietly, “is to trace the carrier of the infection and remove it.”
No one spoke.
Suddenly he set his cocktail glass down hard, rose, and kicked at the firelog.
“I don’t know what the devil I’m doing this for,” he said almost angrily. “this isn’t my role. I’m going against my own interests when I prevent a crime. my business is to wait until the crime has been mitted and the police have done their work. then I have myself a client, a trial, an acquittal, and a fee. that’s how it’s supposed to work.” he wheeled around to face them. “Just the same, I’ve got to prevent this crime. I can’t let her do it.” he looked hard at michael Venning. “You know, of course, that she’s planned to kill you, don’t you?”
michael Venning jumped up, dropping his glass. “I don’t believe it.”
“It’s true,” malone said wearily. he gestured at the big man who sat down again, sitting very straight on the edge of his chair. “She planned to, but it can’t happen this way.”
Editha Venning said. “You must be insane!” in a hoarse, strained voice, and suddenly was quiet.
malone didn’t seem to have heard her. before he could say another word, pendley tidewell came racing down the stairs and paused in the doorway, a small strip of pictures in his hand.
“I’ve got it!” he exclaimed. “It worked! Aunt Editha, it shows—” he paused. “what the hell is the matter with everybody?”
“I think I know what those pictures show,” malone said calmly. “Just hold on to them for a minute.” he added, “You must have taken them with an ultra-violet light.”
“I did,” pendley said. “but how did you know?”
“I guessed,” the lawyer told him. “there had to be some reason why you were under michael Venning’s bed last night. only you didn’t know what you were going to get in the way of a picture—or did you?” For a moment he stared hard at the young man. then he mopped his brow.
“It might have been better,” malone said slowly, “if I’d never been drawn into this. It might have been better if I hadn’t been in Joe the Angel’s bar the night when Gerald tuesday was stabbed.” he paused. “Gerald tuesday—but not the same Gerald tuesday who murdered michael Venning.”
“malone, have you gone mad?” helene exclaimed.
“For God’s sake,” Lotus Allen said almost harshly, “tell us what you mean.”
“do you know what you mean?” pendley tidewell demanded.
mona mcclane said nothing. She sat looking away from the group as though she were not really a member of it, but only happened to be there.
malone reached in his pocket and drew out a folded document. “that’s a copy of the will of the late michael Venning, Senior,” he said. “I imagine that everyone concerned here knows its contents.” he looked at mona mcclane. “Yes, you were justified. Five million dollars is enough of a stake to be worth making a determined play for” he stole another glance at his watch. If Jake didn’t get here—
Lotus said, “do you mean Gerald tuesday murdered that michael Venning?”
malone shook his head. “No. his son. michael Vening, Junior—for whom a grave was prepared in a desolate corner of the old Venning estate in—”
A cry from helene and a sudden movement interrupted him. there was a moment of insane confusion in which one of the party darted across the room, threw open one of the French windows, and vanished through it into the twilight.
before malone could move, mona mcclane cried out, “Stop it, you fool!” She ran toward the window. “Stop it! he isn’t going to—” the rest was lost as she leaped out onto the terrace.
helene was only a few steps behind. malone made a sudden dive for her, missed, and followed. he was dimly aware that the others of the party were right behind him, but it was happening too quickly for him to see everything that was going on.
helene screamed, “No!” and ran out onto the terrace. he followed her, almost blindly.
In the semidarkness it was hard to distinguish the figures that moved across the mcclane lawn. one was halfway to the side gate; that, he knew, must be the fugitive. A smaller figure, mona mcclane, was following. helene was running down the steps from the terrace. A burly, gray-suited man had appeared at the front door, grabbed Editha Venning, and held her back from going out to the lawn.
At the same instant, a taxicab stopped before the gate and a tall, red-haired man alighted, a large envelope under his arm. he came through the gate and stopped still for a moment.
In the twilight, a shot rang out. It came from the fugitive, missed mona mcclane. helene screamed as the bullet whizzed narrowly past her ear. Suddenly the red-haired man came to life. dropping the envelope in the snow, he raced across the lawn in the direction of helene.
there was another shot. It came from the little gun in mona mcclane’s hand. the fugitive staggered, took two more steps, and pitched forward into the snow.
mona mcclane stood motionless, in the snow and the deepening shadows, the gun still in her hand. malone walked over to her and took it, very gently, from her unresisting fingers.
“You’re a damned good shot,” he said quietly.
Jake put an arm around helene’s waist and held her very tight.
Suddenly mona mcclane smiled at them. “I said—in the public streets, with plenty of witnesses, didn’t I. but I didn’t really intend that you should be the witnesses!”